The World of LF G3YXM

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.7. Circuits
.8. Features
.9. The Matrix
.10. The Gallery
.11. /P Diary
.12. LF/M!
.13. Logbook
.14. Topband.

-LF news past....2011.

  • December

    • 31/12. All "F" class Dutch hams to get 500kHz. From Jan 1st they will be able to operate from 501 to 505kHz with 100W PEP (The former 5W erp was better for stations with small antennas). Modes are A1A, F1A, G1A and J2A. Contests are not allowed. The new schedule also includes 4m.

    • 4/12. Uganda grabber on-line. RN3AUS has set up a 136kHz grabber near Kampala and has already detected signals from DK7FC. Link here.

  • June

    • Who's on 136kHz? See the "Noticeboard" link for a list of countries with access to the 136kHz band courtesy of the IARU. Research by Lawrence 9H1AV / 9H9MHR.

    • 27/06. 500kHz in Malta. Maltese amateurs can now apply for a special permit for 501-504kHz with 10W ERP to run until the end of 2011. The calls issued will be in the 9H9 series. It is hoped that the permits may be extended until the result of the deliberations at the 2012 WARC are known.

    • 22/06. SAQ back on air. SAQ will be transmitting on 17.2kHz on Sunday July 3rd at 0900utc and 1200utc. Tuning-up will start about 30mins before the scheduled transmission. Please send reports to info@alexander.n.se

  • March

    • 14/03. New VLF news site. Roger G3XBM has just launched a new "Sub 9kHz Amateur Radio" site which will be a focal point for those interested in VLF experiments.

    • 04/03. Trans-Atlantic QSO on 136kHz. Mike G3XDV and Joe VO1NA has a QRSS60 QSO last night. This is the first T/A QSO on the band for about 2 years.


On to 2012---Back to 2010.