.1. LF News
.3. LF links .4. Getting
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.9. The Matrix .10.
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.12. LF/M! .13. Logbook
.14. Topband. ...Help...
-LF news past....2004.
29/12. Jason crosses the Atlantic.
Last night Hartmut Wolf copied WD2XES using the new experimental "slow"
version of I2PHD's Jason software. Update: Latest 0.99
version is now available from Weaksignals.com
12/12. Full ID of XGJ. WD2XGJ
has now been copied in QRSS by Hartmut Wolf, DF6NM,
M0BMU, G3NYK and others so is getting out very well. Just wait 'til he gets
that 1kW Decca TX going...
2/12. WD2XGJ copied across "the
pond". Warren, K2ORS who operates part 5 station WD2XGJ has informed me
that his part5 station was copied by G3NYK, Hartmut Wolf and CT1DRP last night.
Warren was manually shifting between 137.779 and 137.7788, giving the
"square-wave" display you can see on Hartmut's grab. Warren runs 250W from a
G0MRF TX into a loop.
12/11. First US 137kHz QSO.
John W1TAG (experimental license WD2XES) and Warren K2ORS (WD2XGJ) had the
first two way Part 5 QSO in the U.S. at 0200 today on CW. They are about 25
miles (40km) apart and both stations used transmit loop antennas. John was
running 200W and Warren 250W. Warren's RX was an HP 3586C selective level meter
and John used his ICOM R75. Jay Rusgrove (about 100 miles South) made an MP3 of
the QSO: http://www.advancedreceiver.com/capture/XESXGJ.mp3
Congratulations to both stations.
7/11. New grabber in Hungary.
HA6PX has added his own grabber to the HG6N page at
so now there's two for the price of one!
30/10. Loran QRM threat. Rugby
radio has won a contract to radiate a test Loran signal for two years. This
pulse system on 100kHz tends to spread into the 136kHz band...
29/10. XDW spans the globe. US
beacon WD2XDW from Oklahoma has been copied by ZL4OL on several occasions
recently and also by Hartmut Wolf in Northern Germany. Laurence has recently
upgraded to a Decca transmitter and uses 1kw of power into his loop
23/10. OM2TW back on. Rich
reports that the radio club has moved to a new QTH in JN88VJ on the top of the
small hill. They have a 30m high tower and have just set up the VHF and HF
antennas. During the Marconi Memorial Contest (November 6th and 7th) they will
be QRV on 136kHz.
21/10. New Hungarian grabber.
Csaba HA6PN and Gyuri HA6PC have installed a new receiver, built by Gyuri
at the HG6N club station in JN98VE. It has a 400m longwire antenna. There is no
pretty web page yet but the grabber is live at
showing 137.6 to 137.8 I tried it, it works! Soon it will feature on the
20/10. Look out for MB2HFC this
weekend. The RSGB Convention will have an LF station active once more this
year. The station should be on-air from Friday afternoon through to Sunday
afternoon (22nd-24th) and will use CW and QRSS. They hope to have a good TX
antenna courtesy of the Crawley club's 30m tower, but reception conditions
won't be known until they get there!
16/10. DLs get 1W ERP. The DARC
web-site reports that German amateurs are to lose the 20W PEP limit that has
made things difficult until now, and come into line with most of Europe. This
should mean some bigger signals from DL (and bigger explosions
15/10. 500kHz proposal sent to
Ofcom. The RSGB have submitted a proposal to allow UK radio amateurs to
have access to frequencies between 501-504 kHz or 508-515 KHz at a transmit
level of 10W ERIP. The idea is that this should be on an experimental basis, by
issue of NOVs. Full info is
11/10. First EA/PA QSO.
José EA1PX worked Wil PA0BWL on QRSS3 this evening. José sent
an M report and Wil gave an O.
9/10. VA3LK silent key. 136kHz
pioneer Larry Kayser died suddenly on October 5th, he was 64. In 2001, after 18
months of preparation, he made one of the first trans-Atlantic QSOs with G3AQC,
a distance record which stood for 3 years. He had been planning to move to
Newfoundland to achieve his next dream of crossing the Atlantic on 2
3/10. RU6LA copied in ZL. Bob
ZL2CA and Andrew ZL2BBJ copied Ed's test last night. Bob's copy of the 120
second QRSS approached "O" around dawn and Andrew got a "T"
2/10. Canada end-to-end. Mitch
VE3OT in London Ontario copied VO1NA and VE7TIL on the same Argo screen last
night. See full details and his screen grab
27/9. 'XES copied in Germany.
Listener Hartmut Wolff got the best copy yet of beacon WD2XES on DFCW this
morning at 0500. XES is operated by John Andrews W1TAG and is in Holden MA,
FN42CH. http://webpages.charter.net/w1tag/ Hartmut is in JO52HO, I
make that 5960km.
25/9. Jason test from TIL. Becon
TIL (Vancouver) is presently on 137778Hz beaconing in JASON mode.
22/9. US/Canada Beacons.
Conditions are pretty good at the moment with regular copy of VO1NA on
137.777kHz 30s QRSS. Look out also for TIL on 137.780 WD2XDW on 137.7752 WD2XFX
on 137.7807 and WD2XES on 137.7792 . Check
The Grabber to see
what's coming through.
11/9. 'TIL copied in Oklahoma.
For several of the last few days Laurence (KL1X) has copied VE7TIL's 137kHz
beacon around dawn. The distance from Vancouver BC to Bartlesville OK is about
2600km. See a screenshot.
4/9. Argentina active. Also on
September 18/19th, LW2ETU will be active from Avellaneda and is seeking
reports. Transmission is to run from Saturday at1500utc to Sunday 1500utc on
137.422kHz +/- 0.2Hz in qrss30. The antenna will be 100m wire and the TX power
will be 120W.
4/9. Activity weekend. The
Württemberg DARC group will be on air on 136 khz over the weekend of
September 18/19. They plan to use a 22m top-loaded vertical with a large
capacity hat. They would like to make as many contacts as possible. More info
on their
25/8. WD2XDW re-issued.
Laurence, KL1X, has finally received his part 5 permit to operate from
Northern Oklahoma. He can use 135.895-137.785 kHZ at 5W erp. Aerial prospects
are not as good as in Alaska so a loop will probably be tried.
22/8. Another Canadian QSO. Joe
Craig VO1NA, today worked the Marconi club station VO1MRC, operated by Frank
VO1HP. The distance was only 10km but it is Joe's first conventional CW QSO.
VO1MRP was running only 3W and VO1NA 10W.
3/8. Trans-rockies test. VE3OT
is off to VE6, taking his 5ft octo-loop with him. When there he will conduct
tests with VE7TIL and VE7SL who will be increasing power as they develop their
13/7. VE news. VE7SL in Mayne
Island and VE7TIL in Vancouver had a QSO on 10th over a distance of about 50km.
No great distance but a first for Western Canada. They then both went into
beacon mode and got reports from Southern Oregon. Not bad for a first
11/7. Fiji report. Laurence is
back from Fiji and reports great reception conditions with low noise. The K9AY
antenna worked well and he was impressed with the FRG100 receiver. Laurence
logged signals on 138.8 but cannot positively confirm that it was DCF39. See
his photos and screenshots
9/7. VE7TIL on 136. Scott is to
run some tests this weekend and will attempt a QSO with VE7SL. Some beacon and
QRO tests will be conducted over the nex week or so. Check
Web-Site for details.
4/7. World heritage status for SAQ.
UNESCO have declared that the Varberg Radio Staion at Grimeton Sweden is to
be a World Heritage Site. Hopefully this will ensure its continued survival.
See info here.
29/6. New VE activity. Steve
VE7SL has his station running on test with only 35W at present, soon to up it
to 300W. Scott VE7TIL has now received permission to start 1W EIRP
transmissions from his Industry QTH.
26/6. ZL to Fiji on CW. ZM2E had
a crossband QSO with 3D2KL today. Signals were so good,even before sunset, that
the Argo trace bloomed too much to read. In the end they completed the QSO with
15wpm CW from ZM2E being read at 559 in Fiji. 3D2KL was on 40m
23/6. RU6LA beacon. Ed will be
at his "DX" QTH near Machta (KN97LN) for the next few evenings. On June 23, 24
and 25 he will transmit on 137.785 from 17z - 20z then QSY to 135.9225 from 20z
- 02z, all in QRSS120. On June 26 he will just do the 135.9225 stint from 20z -
02z (June 27). Local sunset 1715z and sunrise is 0140z.
22/6. ZL QSO attempts. The
Quartz Hill ZL6QH club station will be activated on LF this coming Saturday
night. The usual 137.7890/137.7886 kHz DFCW120 QQQQQ... beacon will run from
before ZL sunset till after ZL sunrise, except for times selected for: (1)
attempting an LF/HF crossband QSO with 3D2KL, starting with DFCW60 (we will
adapt to conditions at the time) and (2) attempting an LF SSB QSO with AX2TAR
in VK7. The special call sign ZM2E will be used for the attempted QSOs.
20/6. Fiji update. Laurence is
set up and monitoring the region around 137.780. He reports a low noise level
despite occasional static crashes.
11/6. Fiji listening. Laurence
KL1X will be setting up in Fiji (3D2) on 19/20th June and should be receiving
up till around 8th July - these dates may vary but it is hoped that the station
will stay monitoring even if Laurence is not as base camp. Base will be about
45 miles drive from Suva on the S side of the Island.
7/6.SAQ on-air again. The
vintage Alexanderson alternator at Grimeton Sweden, is to go on air on 17.2 kHz
on Sunday 4th July at 08:30 10:30 and 12:30UTC. Amateur station SA6Q will be
active on 14.035 MHz CW 14.215 MHz SSB.
7/6. Test from Madrid. EA4BVZ
will be testing tonight from 2000-2400z on 137.252kHz. Schedule as follows: 20h
to 20.02 - 20 wpm, 20.02 to 20.10 - QRSS Dot 3 and 20.10 to 24z - QRSS Dot 30.
Power output about 50 W.
20/5. LF field day. On June 12th
and 13th DN1VLF will be active from JO22KK, Phöben near Berlin, Germany.
They hope to be on-air by 11:00 UTC on 12th and to close around 13:00 on 13th.
Frequencies will be 137.710 KHz QRSS (starting every even hour) and 136.710 KHz
CW (starting every odd hour) Antenna will be 30m toploaded
7/5. WD2XFX back on air. Eric,
KD5UWL reports that his beacon is now back on 137.778077kHz.
See here for all the
21/4. VO1NA audible in Germany.
Joe has been sending some 5wpm tests over the past few nights, best report
so far has been from Hartmut in Locator JO52HO.
15/4. Grey-line tests comtinue.
Following RN6BN's success, several other European stations have been
beaconing to see if there is a grey-line path to ZL. One of these is CT1DRP
near Porto whose signals were
picked up by
OH1TN at a distance of 3364km.
12/4. RN6BN copied in ZL by Bob
ZL2CA around 1830 yesterday evening (ZL sunrise). The signal peaked to "O" copy
on QRSS60, see Bob's screenshot. Obviously this is the new world record one-way
at over 15,000km!
7/4. New on the band. John in
Weymouth has been steadily improving his signal and is at last getting some
QSOs. He will be calling on CW at around 1930 most evenings and would very much
appreciate reports. Update: Rig's blown up, back soon... Also look out for
G3IFF, Ray in Havant.
27/3. Pictures from UA0LE. See
the Gallery for some nice photographs from
the Vladivostok expedition. Under the heading "UA0LE"
27/3. Good T/A conditions. G3LDO
and M0BMU have both worked VO1NA and last night he was copied in 1 second QRSS
by M0BMU (shown below) and weakly by DF6NM. WD2XES was also copied last night
with 100W to the loop.
24/3. UA0/UA6 QSOs. UA0LE have
now worked RU6LWZ and RN6BN, signals were sometimes audible so propagation is
improving to the West. The UA0/ZL path continues to be good with signals being
regularly received by several ZLs. So far no reports from Western Europe but
we're still listening!
Here is a shot of
RN6BN as received in UA0 on 30s QRSS.
20/3. UA0 / ZL QSO. They made
it! This must be the new world record LF QSO. See screen shots from Ed
18/3. UA0LE on air. The team are
all set up nr Vladivostok with an 80m high TX antenna and a 2km long receive
antenna! So far they have copied RN6BN and have been received in ZL by ZL2CA,
ZL2BBJ and ZL4OL at their home QTHs. The distance to ZL4OL is about 10,750km.
The ZLs will attempt a QSO from Quartz Hill on Saturday. The station has also
been received well by RN6BN and has worked UA6LV. See the
full schedule for UA0LE.
13/3. WD2XES beacon received in CT.
CT1DRP copied one of John's early test transmissions last night. He was
using only 75W RF to a loop antenna and conditions weren't very good
can been seen from the fading on VO1NA's signal. WD2XES is in Holden MA at
the QTH of W1TAG.
8/3. Full timetable for UA0 trip.
Ed has published his full schedule for the
operation from near Vladivostok March 16th-27th.
8/3. ZLs attempt QSO with UA0.
Quartz-Hill club will be active on the night of Saturday 20th March in
order to attempt a QSO with Ed. They will be on 0.4 Hz FSK, using 137.7890 /
137.7886 kHz and will beacon from ZL sunset until 0930 utc when the attempt
will begin. If allowed, they will use the call ZM2E for the
5/3. New grabber on line. Sam,
RN6BN has been getting a good copy of VO1NA over the last week or so. He is now
able to run a live grabber. It will be on this weekend at
4/3. Server problems. Due to
problems at my ISP it may be necessary to refresh this page by holding CTRL
whilst pressing the F5 key. This will pull down the latest version from the
server rather than the web-cached version which may be out of
25/2. VO - RN. Sam, RN6BM got
copy of VO1NA's test transmission last night. The distance is about 6,600km
which is pretty good for a fairly low ERP.
23/2. New version of Africam.
Bill de Carle has released V4.6 of his "below the noise" communications
program. Download it
22/2. G0MIN back on LF. The
Whitton club in West London used to be active on LF on a club night (Fridays)
but was forced off the air by trees growing under the antenna. The trees have
recently been felled allowing the club to return to 136kHz with their 250ft
church-tower supported wire. Look out for them.
13/2. Expedition to Asia. From
March 16-28th, Ed Lesnichy and others will undertake a DXpedition to the far
Eastern part of Asian Russia (UA0L). QTH-Loc will be approximately PN63CH nr
Vladivostok. Call will be UA0LE (for slow QRSS UATLE, replacing the 0 with T as
in contests) They will have access to a 90m tower. More details as they are
11/2. Noticeboard down. Due to
some server relocation work the noticeboard is temporarily off
30/1. PA0SE makes it across.
Dick has set up his system for QRSS recently and has been very pleased with
the results. His 140mW erp signal was received at "O" copy around 0200hrs by
VO1NA and at audible stregth by EA1PX. Harry's (PA0LQ) 300W valve TX is
certainly being put to good use!
27/1. T/A QSO. Peter G3LDO and
Joe VO1NA made a QRSS QSO on the night of the 27th. Congratulations
19/1. Weekend report. Conditions
did not seem exceptionally good over the weekend but snatches of RU6LA were
seen by CT1DRP and Ed's signal was widely received in G / DL etc. Rich had some
problems matching the MW tower, possibly due to low-value decoupling chokes, so
no signals were radiated from OM2TW.
13/1. Big Signal weekend. RU6LA
and OM2TW will both be active from sites having big masts this weekend.
OM2TW's schedule is
detailed here. They will
have E-mail (om2tw@nextra.sk) and phone
+421 903 416609 (for SMS).
RU6LA plans activity on 136kHz CW
and QRSS. Ed hopes to TX QRSS60 beacons in the 135.922 - 136.923 segment from
22...23z up to sunrise at Machta - abt 0515z
11/1. First "Wolf" QSO? Lowfers
(1W DC input) NC and TAG (671 mile path) have finally succeeded with the first
known WOLF QSO. They had tried this at night a couple of years ago, but the
fading created a lot of missed copy. Following Alan Melia's suggestion that the
daytime path might be good two days after a CME impact, they tried it again
this morning and succeeded. The results are spelled out
in detail
here. Well done Dex and John, Alan for his advice, and Stewart Nelson for
writing the program.
7/1. WD2XDW QRT. Laurence is
finally moving South so beacon WD2XDW has closed down. It is hoped that he can
get a part 5 permit from the new QTH. The receivers at
KL1X.com will stay on until the mast comes
down in a few days.
4/1. North to Alaska!
Trans-Atlantic test transmissions from G3LDO and DF6NM have been
received by KL1X near Anchorage on the night of
Jan2/3. Reception by the East coast USA stations was also possible but by no
means exceptional.
2/1. First OM/GM QSO. It looks
as if the contact I had from GM3YXM with OM2TW was a first. Thanks
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