The World of LF/MF G3YXM

.1. LF News
.3. LF links
.4. Getting On
.6. Build a TX
.7. Circuits
.8. Features
.9. The Matrix
.10. The Gallery
.11. /P Diary
.12. LF/M!
.13. Logbook
.14. Topband.

-LF news past....2009.

  • December

    • 16/12. UK 500kHz permits extended for 2 years. Ofcom has decided to extend the period of Notices of Variation (NoVs) to the licence for operation in the 501 to 504 kHz band until 29 February 2012. The maximum effective radiated power limit is maintained at 10 dBW (10 W). Existing NoVs are due to expire at the end of February 2010 but current NOVs should be re-issued automatically. The standard application form (OfW306) for a Special Research Permit can be downloaded here.

    • 13/12. New commercial 136 TX. Waters and Stanton are advertising the 100W Japanese Thamway TX-2200A transmitter for sale at £689.95. Watch out for the G3YXM review of this TX in a future Radcom.

    • 6/12. Extra SAQ broadcast. In addition to the Christmas Eve transmission at 0800 utc on the usual 17.2kHz, there are two scheduled for December 10th at 0800 and 1600 utc, to tie in with the Ferdinand Braun - Nobel prize commemoration.

  • November

    • 11/11. Special LF transmission. To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the awarding of a Nobel prize to professor Ferdinand Braun for his work on wireless communications there will be a special transmission on 147.3kHz. The DDH47 transmitter of the German National Weather Service will transmit in CW from 2300utc on December 9th and listen on HF (3565, 7025 & 14052) for replies. There will also be some QRSS-3 transmissions at 15mins and 45 mins past the hour. Further details here.

    • 8/11. Norway on 500kHz. All Norwegian full licensees can now use 493-510kHz with 100W TX power on CW only. This is on a secondary basis but no special permit is required.

    • 8/11. WE2XGR/2 works Ireland on 500kHz. EI0CF notched up another first tonight when he had a CW QSO wth Jay WE2XGR/2 in Connecticut. (They did it last year but that was under Finbar's G call.)

    • 5/11. VX9ZZZ on 500kHz. Joe VO1NA, who holds the special call VX9MRC, (see below) has been joined on the band by Jack VE1ZZ, with his call VX9ZZZ. Both these guys know how to radiate a signal, look out for them between 504 & 509kHz. Later note: Finbar EI0CF has already worked them both!

    • 1/11. First OE 2-way on 136. Ossi OE5ODL has been on 136kHz for years but up until now he was the only OE. Today he was joined by Gerhard OE3GHB and the first contact was made on QRSS.

  • October

    • 25/10. First EI-Canada on 500kHz CW. Finbar EI0CF has worked Joe VO1NA who now has the special call VX9MRC for 500kHz. They have since had several further QSOs on CW with Finbar able to reduce power to 35W at one stage.

    • 19/10. Saturday SAQ transmission cancelled. The scheduled transmission for United Nations Day from SAQ 17.2kHz will not now take place. The next SAQ event will be on Christmas Eve, 24th December at 0800 utc.

  • September

    • 17/9. HF70W on 136. Polish special event callsign HF70W will be active over the weekends of Sept 18/19th and October 4/5th. Operation in QRSS will start from 20:00 on the Friday evening on 137.7kHz.

    • 5/9. SM6BHZ to China on 500. Gus radiated a WSPR transmission last night and was picked up by Laurence KL1X who is near Tianjin Bohai Bay in China.

  • June

    • 23/6. SAQ This weekend. The next day to listen on 17.2kHz is Sunday June 28th at 0900 & 1200hrs utc.

  • May

    • 15/5. Grimeton SAQ dates. A (revised) schedule of future transmissions from the historic Alexanderson alternator station in Sweden has been published. The next days to listen on 17.2kHz are: May 20th at 0700 & 0730, May 24th at 1055hrs and June 28th at 0900 & 1200hrs utc.

    • 2/5. Matrix updated. New contacts with Russia, Austria and Poland added. Please check the matrix and make sure your inter-country "firsts" are in there! If not, e-mail me with the details.

    • 2/5. Russian beacon test. Ed RU6LA has been running a beacon test from the Machta QTH this weekend and received very good reception from Laurence KL1X in China.

  • April

    • 22/4. New simple 500k TX. Roger GW3UEP has posted the design on the UK500khz Google group. It is also here on the features page.

    • 18/4. Ireland on 500kHz. The Irish authorities have given the go-ahead to the IRTS (Irish equivalent of RSGB) to ask for applicants for a 500kHz permit. A limited number are available to lincensed EI stations. See the link on the IRTS web-site to apply.

    • 18/4. International Marconi day. On Saturday 25th of April GB4FPR will be active on 502kHz CW from Fort Perch Rock in the Wirral (NW England). The station is part of the International Marconi Day activities and is scheduled to run for 24hrs and they hope to contact the station at Historic Signal Hill, CAN.

    • 15/4. Russian activity day. Most of the active Russian 136kHz stations will be beaconing on Saturday 18th in QRSS60. Frequencies and calls as follows:
      137.779.1 - UA0AET
      137.778.7 - UA9CS
      137.778.3 - RA3YO
      137.777.9 - RN3AGC
      137.777.5 - RU6LA
      137.777.1 - UA4WPF
      137.776.7 - RA9CUA
      137.776.3 - EW6GB

  • French LW forum. There is now a French langauge forum for the discussion of all matters LF and MF. Follow this link.

On to 2010.---Back to 2008.